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The Chrom Rare network will be implemented through careful organization of constituting governance and management bodies in charge of supervision, training, advisory, communication, dissemination and exploitation, as well as an expert UNITN team in charge of financial and coordination matters


Alessio Zippo
University of Trento (UNITN)


Jean Christophe Andrau
Universitè de Montpellier (UM)
Alexander Kel
Genexplan GMBH (GP)
Alvaro Rada Iglesias
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superio de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
David Geneviev
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Montperllier (CHUM)
Giuseppe Merla
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Aleksandra Pękowska
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology (NENCKI)
Siddharth Banka University of Manchester (MAN)
Michiel Vermeulen
Stichting Radboud Universitet (RU)

Partner Organization

Biotalentum Tudasfejleszto Kf
Associazione Italiana Sindrome Kabuki (AISK)
Association Syndrome Kabuki
Istituto Auxologico Italiano
Evotec International GMBH
University of Cantabria

PhD students

Daria Stelmashenko
Debapratim Sil
Lucio Di Filippo

Emile Danvin
Maulana Ariefai
Yunna Strøm
Shiza Nasir

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